About Massood Transport Consolidated Freight Consolidated Shipping Freight Consolidation

Freight Consolidation and Transport Services.  Partner with Massood Transport and save money and time.

Trusted Experts in Consolidated Freight and Shipping Solutions

Massood Transport has been in business since 2010 but our roots have been in the freight handling and furniture industry for over 60 years. Our family business was founded as MGM Transportation and established a stellar reputation for excellent and efficient service while moving goods like yours throughout the US and Canada.

Edward Massood at the AHFA Logistics Conference, accepting a commemorative plaque issued in honor of his father Michael Massood, in appreciation of his many years of service to the transportation industry.

Experience Counts.

Edward Massood, CEO of Massood Transport, answer questions about consolidated freight at the 2021 Logistics conference.

Years in Business
The Next Step for Massood

Facing and solving consolidated shipping issues for more than 50 years.

The Massood family of companies has included a major freight carrier (MGM Transportation) a chain of retail furniture stores, regional warehouse operation and 3PL logistics solutions.

Our sixty years of experience in the industry has led us to develop new techniques and solutions that are more efficient, while still maintaining comfort and safety. We have always been driven by a deep sense of responsibility to our customers. This sense of responsibility is at the core of every process that we take and every decision we make.

Do you want to know if Massood’s consolidated freight services will work for you? Let’s get together and discuss your unique requirements and challenges. Just give a call or drop us an email, and we will start building you a consolidated shipping solution designed just for your products and logistics program.

Don’t delay…do it today!

Need More Info? Get in Touch!

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Customer Portal

Customer service is our top priority at Massood Transport – that’s why we offer several portals to help you track your goods, shipments and deliveries. Whether you need a quote on freight services, tracking information or an estimated delivery time, we have it all at your fingertips. If you can’t find what you need with the portals found below, call or email us and we will bring you up to speed in a jiffy.


Please click here and fill out an online form to generate a rate quote.


Track your shipment by shipment number, BOL or Pro Number.


Click here to log into your customer portal.


Click here for more info about Massood Logistics.